Starksboro Historical Society, Baldwins Pond, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2007

Starksboro Historical Society Meeting
June 13, 2007
Jerusalem Schoolhouse
7:00-8:30 pm

In conjunction with the Jerusalem Schoolhouse Lecture Series, the Starksboro Historical Society enjoyed sponsoring Carroll Stokes, grandson of Eli Stokes, son of Maggie Stokes, brother of Leon Stokes, and cousin of our very own Robert Stokes. Carroll regaled about 40 folks with tales of old-time farming in Starksboro. He discussed farm animals, implements, crops, land, and people while interspersing amusing stories. Carroll also shared maps of Starksboro and took us along back roads while discussing the various Stokes families.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Beecher

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