Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village New Town Hall, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Attic Treasures

Starksboro Cemetery Index

The Starksboro Cemetery Project - Inventories and photographs of Starksboro Cemeteries as researched by Starksboro Historical Society Members.

Starksboro Photographs and Memorabilia

The Baldwin Family Photos - These photos are from the estate of Ruth Carpenter Baldwin, widow of Walter N. Baldwin (son of Oscar Baldwin). These images were taken from celluloid negatives stored in a book and believed to be taken somewhere around 1900, maybe earlier, but before 1910. Since these photos were scanned from negatives, some of the photos may be reversed. Take a look and see if you can recognize people or locations in these photos.
E-mail the Historical Society if you know anything about them.

Town Library Local History Page - Thanks to an ALA Libraries Transform grant, we’ve been able to digitize and share these local history recordings which we had on videocassette.

Starksboro History

People of Starksboro

Starksboro Places

Starksboro Memorabilia - Additional Starksboro Memorabilia can be seen at the Starksboro Meeting House Website.

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Cemetery Project | Photos and Memorabilia