Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village From the South c. 1914, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2007

Starksboro Historical Society Meeting
January 26, 2007
Starksboro Village Meeting House
7:00-8:40 pm

Howard Coffin gave a riveting hour-long talk on Vermonters in the Civil War relating stories about Civil War related events occurring at different houses in different towns about the state after which he answered questions for about one-half hour or so. We were joined in sponsorship of the meeting by the Village Meeting House and the Starksboro Public Library.

Thirty people braved the 15 below zero temperatures to listen to his detailed stories he’s gathered for his next book as well as other Vermont related Civil War recollections. His engaging talk was sprinkled with “Wow” events, serious pauses, serious considerations and fun.

In addition to the talk, he requested specific Civil War related stories anyone might know of about houses and/or sites in our town to be sent to him. His address – 33 Herbert Road, Unit 3, Montpelier, Vermont 05602.

Howard was particularly interested in any information we could dig up on a gentleman named John Lonergan who lived somewhere in Starksboro or Lincoln. He's looking for a house where he might have lived.

This is a reminder that 2007 dues would be greatly appreciated. If you know of other people interested in joining the Historical Society, they'd be most welcome.....many thanks!

Next meeting: March 22nd at Starksboro Town Offices at 7pm. This will be a business meeting with election of officers, finalization of year’s meeting topics/locations, and more.

Meeting adjourned a bit after 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Em Craig

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