Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village New Town Hall, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2006

Starksboro Historical Society Meeting
September 28th, 2006
Starksboro Village Meeting House
7:00-9:00 pm

Starksboro Historical Society & Starksboro Meeting House Civil War Flags Program

Civil War speaker and author, Don Wickman, gave a slide show to a group of 30 people on Thursday, September 28, 2006 in the Starksboro Village Meeting House. It was fascinating to hear stories about the men behind the flags that are being preserved.

Starksboro residents and Civil War re-enactors, Mike and Debbie Blakeslee, also joined us in period regalia. They displayed several flags and spoke about their re-enactor group representing a regiment from upstate New York. Kevin Hanson set up an incredible display with Civil War artifacts from his grandmother's grandfather, Joel Varney Carpenter (1845-1907).

Starksboro Historical Society & Starksboro Meeting House Civil War Flags Program Mike and Debbie Blakeslee

Starksboro Historical Society & Starksboro Meeting House Civil War Flags Program Joel Carpenter Display

After the presentation, Don Wickman signed copies of his new book, and folks enjoyed dessert in the foyer.

Starksboro Historical Society & Starksboro Meeting House Civil War Flags Program Dom Wickman siging his book

Our next meeting will be November 30th, a week after Thanksgiving, at 7:00 pm in the Starksboro Town Office. We will work on planning for 2007.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Beecher

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