Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village New Town Hall, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Meeting Minutes

September 29, 2005

Starksboro Historical Society
September 29, 2005

Starksboro Town Office
7:05-8:25 pm

Members present: Emma Lou Craig, Cynthia Kling, Olive Phillips, Elsa Gilbertson, Gerry Heffernan, Robert Stokes, Sarah Adams, Ruth Beecher

1. MINUTES from previous meeting (June 30, 2005) were approved.

2. TREASURER, Sarah Adams, reported that there is $290 in the bank, with a growing number of members.

3. Emma Lou shared VT HISTORY EXPO PHOTOS of our 5 town exhibit in Tunbridge, which took place in June. Special thanks to Cynthia and her artistic expertise for making such a colorful display, which stood out in the photos.

4. Sarah and Emma Lou created a draft of BYLAWS for the committee to review for our next meeting. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not SHS should incorporate. Elsa mentioned the main reason the Meeting House incorporated was so that individual board members wouldn't be held liable in the event of any unforeseen events. Then we discussed the possibility of gaining nonprofit status through 501(c)(3). Emma Lou has the paperwork for this. Back to the bylaws: PLEASE REVIEW THE DRAFT OF BYLAWS FOR OUR NEXT MEETING. We will discuss the document then. Special thanks to Sarah and Em for getting us started!

5. EVENT: 225th CELEBRATION OF STARKSBORO'S CHARTER to be held Friday, Nov. 4th. We will have a potluck dinner at 5:30 at the church, then a slide show at 7:00 with Chris Hadsel upstairs in the Town Hall to showcase the newly restored Painted Curtain. Thanks to Em for posting the event in the Gazette. The Conservation Commission's Harvest Dinner is Nov. 5th.

Cynthia, Sarah and Emma Lou offered to gather supplies for the potluck in the afternoon; Ruth offered to join in shortly after 3:00 to help set up chairs. Elsa offered to do a press release for the event -- Eagle, Independent, 5 Town News, Hinesburg Record, Burl. Free Press. Em will contact Larry Detweiler about using the church (she did, it's fine!). Ruth will send a reminder to everyone for this event closer to the date. It would be great if everyone contributed a dish for the potluck.

6. Elsa mentioned that Cheryl would like SHS to WRITE A LETTER OF SUPPORT for a state grant they're writing to make the Town Hall handicapped accessible. Having the Town Hall handicapped accessible would make it more usable for programs and events, as well as strengthen the Town Center. Emma Lou and Ruth offered to write the letter together (they did, it's done).

7. Cynthia generously created some DRAWINGS for the new SHS LOGO. It is lovely, with drawings of our Town Center. We would like to use it for letterhead, note cards, and maybe even T shirts in the future. Special thanks to Cynthia not only for doing the artwork, but for offering us rights to this logo! Em will work with Cynthia to fine-tune the details, then take it to Kimball's for printing.

8. Chris Runcie called to say there is some ongoing work on the LIBRARY PORCH POSTS to make historical replacements.

9. There is a VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROGRAM on Oct. 14th: Artifacts and Audiences. It will take place at the Vermont State House and the Vermont Museum in Montpelier. Em has more info if you're interested, or you can call Amy Cunningham at VHS: 479-8518.

10. Peg Casey spoke to Em about THE BARN TOUR in Jericho, an interesting way to preserve barns and raise money. You can check out for more details. There is a write-up in Vermont Life magazine.

11. Elsa mentioned the VERMONT MUSEUM GALLERY ALLIANCE (VMGA) is a wonderful association that would be beneficial for us to join as we get going. They offer collections care, assistance to museums and local historical societies, and a lending library. Ruth spoke with VMGA associates at the Vermont History Expo in Tunbridge and saw their display filled with useful information. Two other towns in our 5 town district are members, including Bristol. Gerry mentioned what a great organization they are to be involved with, and how helpful they are.


Perhaps we could connect with the BERTHA HANSON SERIES to gather at the Town Hall to share stories about the stage and its past uses.

Cynthia mentioned that the BROWN HILL HISTORY DAY in August went very well, and they will do it again. Chris Runcie videotaped the event, a lot of people came, and lots of conversations were held.

Robert shared a lovely PHOTOGRAPH CIRCA 1930's taken of a gathering of folks seated in front of Dave Mason's house. He is looking for people who could help him identify everyone.

Em shared some copies of OLD STARKSBORO POSTCARDS downloaded from the internet -- they are for sale on eBay for $6.00!

With Robert's and Emma Lou's WONDERFUL sharing of historical photographs, perhaps we could share old photos at each meeting! Has a new tradition been born?

13. NEXT MEETING: JANUARY 26th, 2006.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Beecher

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