Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village Looking North from Big Hollow Road, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Meeting Minutes

April 14, 2005

Starksboro Historical Society
April 14, 2005

1. It was decided that the Historical Society and the Town Center planning committee would meet separately as there are different people interested in the two groups and the focus of each is different.

2. The following slate of Interim officers of the Historical Society was approved:

President: Emma Lou Craig


 Secretary: Ruth Beecher

Corresponding Secretary: Cynthia Kling

Treasurer: Sarah Adams

 3. By Laws: Emma Lou and Jim Runcie have looked at the By Laws of the Bristol Historical Society. Cynthia Kling had a membership packet from the Gilford New Hampshire Historical Society of which she is a member. She spoke about the many programs they offer, dues ($10/yr or $150 for lifetime membership). Emma Lou will get By Laws from other small town Historical Societies to compare and then a committee will be formed to draft a similar document for our group.

4. CURTAIN RESTORATION: This is being done by a group that is trying to restore all the painted curtains in the state. They will be coming to Starksboro beginning on May 16th and hope to have our curtain completed by May 20th. They will need tables set up on which to lay out the curtain, and volunteers to help each day. A schedule of helpers was begun.


  • Restore Town Center Barn (with a sign outside to attract attention)
  • Sorting through Town Barn contents
  • Displays in the Library - every other month could be historical artifacts. The SHS agreed to lend its support to the SPL application for a grant to build a display cabinet in the library
  • Tour: Barns of Starksboro
  • Town Historical Website
  • Members should save articles about Starksboro
  • Collect old photographs and match them with the same location today
  • Elsa is looking into scanning town landscape photos - UVM has a project and they would do the scanning for us

6. NEXT MEETING: May 26th (Thursday) at 7PM


Emma Lou Craig
Chris Runcie
Susan Molloy
Martin Lewis
Bernard Hurlburt
Sally Dunkleman
Leslie Leggett, Bristol Historical Society
Gerald Heffernan, Bristol Historical Society
Peg Casey
Robert Stokes
Elsa Gilbertson
Olive Phillips
Cynthia Kling
Sarah Adams

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