Starksboro Historical Society, Starksboro Village Street and Fergusons Store, Starksboro, Vermont (SHS in VT)

Starksboro Historical Society

Starksboro, Vermont 05487

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Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2006

Starksboro Historical Society Meeting
May 25, 2006
Starksboro Town Offices, 7:00 pm

Members present: Emma Lou Craig, Gerald Heffernan, Robert Stokes, Jim Lockridge, Bernie Hurlburt, Olive Phillips, Cynthia Kling, and Ruth Beecher

1. Minutes approved from March 23 SHS meeting with this correction on item #6: the Starksboro Public Library is definitely interested in co-sponsoring the Civil War history program with us in September.

2. Emma Lou wondered if anyone would be willing to give information to the Starksboro Gazette each month regarding what we are doing.

3. Discussion was held about having our next meeting in South Starksboro at the Jerusalem Schoolhouse. Possible topics: cemetaries, school memories. We will invite folks from the area and have a potluck at 6:00 pm. Cynthia discussed how she got folks talking at the Brown Hill reunion last summer. She basically emceed the event, asking folks by name what life was like for them. We will bring a tape recorder and video camera.

4. Our 501(3)c status has been submitted. Now we are waiting to hear back regarding approval. Special thanks to Emma Lou for doing this!

5. Emma Lou shared a brochure she created for SHS. This type of documentation was needed for submission of 501(3)c status. The brochure is in draft form and Emma Lou is asking for feedback and/or help in finalizing it. Illustrations were generously provided by Cynthia.

6. Archival information: Kevin Hanson developed a CD of how to archive our information of things to keep and make accessible for everybody. Emma Lou shared that it looks like a great program, clear and easy to use. Two related websites to check out:

7. Fall program: Don Wickman is scheduled to come on September 28th at 7:00 pm. The topic is Saving Vermont's Civil War Flags: Past and Present. As stated in the Vermont Humanities Council flyer, "Vermont Civil War flags are some of the state's greatest historical treasures. Their tattered remains are filled with stories of Vermont's role in this national conflict. Donald Wickman recounts some of these heroic flag tales and the present day process of preserving the flags for future generations."

We will have the event either at the Town Hall or the Village Meeting House. We will invite local renactors Mike Blakeslee, Pat Hendee and crew. This event is being co-sponsored by the Starksboro Historical Society, the Starksboro Village Meeting House Society, and the Starksboro Public Library.

8. Town Hall Porch and Windows: on Jim's suggestion, it was moved that we as a group communicate to the selectboard that SHS recommends keeping the integrity of the original edifice of the Town Hall (specifically the porch and windows). Voted upon and so moved.

9. Gerald, Bernie Hurlburt and Martin Lewis interviewed Bill Conway of Conway Road. Emma Lou has been transcribing the tapes. Gerald is working with Emma Lou to correct typos, put folks on the map, and create family trees.

10. Ruth mentioned that Robinson School's grade 1/2 team (3 classes of first and second graders) will be teaching an interdisciplinary unit on Early Vermont this fall. It would be great if SHS members would be willing to share local history with school children. Ideas include taking kids on tours of local buildings, telling stories of life in Starksboro, and sharing any artifacts we have. Ruth shared how she took her first graders to local buildings this year with Cynthia leading tours of the Village Meeting House and the Town Hall (Public Library) with information about Bertha's bonnet as well. They also visited the Town Offices.

11. The Starksboro Public Libary has a display case that we could display items such as the photo albums acquired by SHS for a 3-month period. Are we as a group willing to have an SHS docent wearing white gloves share these albums with small groups? Shelved for future consideration.

12. We have a topic for our September meeting. Are there ideas for November? Emma Lou said her vision is to have a regular schedule of speakers for 2007. The Vermont Humanities Council has a list of folks. Emma Lou will get the list for consideration at our next meeting.

Jim mentioned that Kevin Grafagnino, the executive director of the Vermont Historical Society, has offered to talk with SHS. We could turn it into a community event, inviting folks to share their experiences. An idea for the November meeting was suggested to have Thanksgiving as a theme for folks to share experiences around.

13. Jim discussed his project, mentioning that the sale has closed. The building will be restored over the summer and then given to Big Heavy World. The building is located on the west side of Route 116, adjacent to Ruth Brown (now Hank Bissell's) house on the south. They want to buy land to the north, owned by Saputo Cheese. There is a possibility that Saputo will gift the land to the project for safe parking. When done, the building will provide climate controlled storage for archives of music recordings from 1949 forward. He also mentioned that they have a special project of bringing music by Vermont artists to Vermont Welcome Centers, plugging computers into the stereo systems at no charge.

14. NEXT MEETING: July 27 in South Starksboro at the Jerusalem Schoolhouse. Potluck dinner at 6:00 pm. Directions: from Rte 116, go up Rte 17. Turn right at the Jerusalem Store, then turn right onto Jerusalem Road. The schoolhouse is on the right.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Beecher

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