Starksboro Cemeteries - Mason Hill Cemetery

Name surname person
Mason Hill Cemetery    
Mason Hill Cemetery    
Mason Hill Cemetery    
Mason Hill Cemetery    
Mason Hill Cemetery    
Mason Hill Cemetery Brooks Ernest Brooks
Mason Hill Cemetery Brown Jemima M. wife of Samuel Brown
Mason Hill Cemetery Brown Patience Brown Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Brown Samuel Brown
Mason Hill Cemetery Caperon Bessie Caperon
Mason Hill Cemetery Carl John L. Carl
Mason Hill Cemetery Carl Lucy Ann wife of Elijah Carl
Mason Hill Cemetery Clifford Ebenezer W. Clifford
Mason Hill Cemetery Clifford George Clifford
Mason Hill Cemetery Clifford George N Clifford
Mason Hill Cemetery Ellison Arthur E. Ellison
Mason Hill Cemetery Ellison Benjamin F. Ellison
Mason Hill Cemetery Ellison Benjamin M. Ellison
Mason Hill Cemetery Ellison Chase F. Ellison
Mason Hill Cemetery Ellison William B. Ellison
Mason Hill Cemetery French Jemima French
Mason Hill Cemetery Hill Abigail Hill
Mason Hill Cemetery Hill Cyrus B. Hill
Mason Hill Cemetery Hill George B. Hill
Mason Hill Cemetery Hill Jane D. Hill
Mason Hill Cemetery Hill Joseph Hill, 2nd
Mason Hill Cemetery Hill Sarah, wife of Joseph Hill
Mason Hill Cemetery Hurd Clement Hurd
Mason Hill Cemetery Irish Naomi H. Irish
Mason Hill Cemetery James Dorothy wife of Andrew James
Mason Hill Cemetery James Jane James
Mason Hill Cemetery James Jane James
Mason Hill Cemetery Kenyon Mercy Ann Kenyon
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Betsey Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason David Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason David Mason Jr.
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Eliza Jane Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Huldah Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Infant (Son) Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Miriam wife of Samuel Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Nancy Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Patty Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Polly wife of Gideon Sawyer
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason William C. Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Mason Wm. R. Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Phillips Calista Phillips
Mason Hill Cemetery Prescott Hannah wife of David Mason
Mason Hill Cemetery Putnam Samuel Eliot Putnam
Mason Hill Cemetery Russell Glenn Allen Russell
Mason Hill Cemetery Sawyer Elizabeth A. Sawyer
Mason Hill Cemetery Sawyer Gideon Sawyer
Mason Hill Cemetery Sawyer Martha J. Sawyer
Mason Hill Cemetery Schoyer Polly Schoyer Brooks
Mason Hill Cemetery Sears Peter Sears
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Abigail Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Affa J. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Affa J. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Benjamin E. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes David Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Ebenezer Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Ebenezer Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Eliza Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Emma Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Ernest L. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Fanny A. wife of D.M. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Guy J. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Henry T. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Jethro Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Justus Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Maraba Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Mary J. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Mary J. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Minerva Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Moses F. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Polly Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes R. W. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes R. W. Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Rosannah wife of Reuben Sawyer
Mason Hill Cemetery Stokes Ruhana Stokes
Mason Hill Cemetery Terrill Mary A. Terrill
Mason Hill Cemetery Thatcher Edith Thatcher Hurd
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Aidah S. Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Benjamin E. Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Betsey wife of Samuel Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Franklin Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Franklin Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Huldah J. Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Ida May Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Ida May Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson John M. Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Martha Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Orrin Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Samuel Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Samuel Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Truman Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thompson Truman Thompson
Mason Hill Cemetery Thresher George Thresher
Mason Hill Cemetery Tucker Priscilla A. Tucker
Mason Hill Cemetery Tucker Sarah M. Tucker
Mason Hill Cemetery Warren Emeray J. Warren
Mason Hill Cemetery Warren Emery E. Warren